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Sparkling Sake: The Bubbly Delight of the Sake World

Hello, Sake enthusiasts! Ever heard of ‘Sparkling Sake’? Yes, Sparkling SAKE, not sparkling wine. If you haven’t, you’re in for a treat. If you have, stick around for some fun facts and personal anecdotes.

Sparkling Sake is a delightful twist on traditional Sake, bringing a bubbly touch to the rich and complex world of this Japanese beverage. It’s been gaining popularity over the last decade, and with over 100 different brands now available, it’s high time we dived into this effervescent delight.

The History and Evolution of Sparkling Sake

Sparkling Sake isn’t a new invention, but it’s certainly been enjoying a renaissance. It’s been around for a while, but the trend has really taken off in recent years. This is thanks to a new brewing method that allows for lower alcohol content without compromising on quality. This has opened up Sake to a whole new audience, including those who prefer lighter, more refreshing beverages.

What Makes Sparkling Sake Unique?

Low Alcohol Content

One of the defining characteristics of Sparkling Sake is its lower alcohol content compared to regular Sake. Most Sparkling Sake has an Alcohol By Volume (ABV) of under 10%, though it can range from 4% to 16%. This makes it a great choice for those who prefer a lighter touch when it comes to their beverages.

Sweet and Sour Taste

Sparkling Sake offers a unique flavor profile that’s both sweet and a bit sour. This comes from the rice used in its production, and most Sparkling Sake has no added sugar. The result is a delightful balance of flavors that’s easy on the palate and incredibly refreshing.

Easy to Drink

Thanks to its lower alcohol content and sweet-and-sour flavor profile, Sparkling Sake is very easy to drink. This makes it a fantastic entry point for those new to Sake, as well as a refreshing change of pace for seasoned Sake enthusiasts.

New Type of Sake

While Sparkling Sake has been around for a while, it’s only recently that it’s started to be recognized as a distinct category within the world of Sake. This is largely due to the new brewing methods that have allowed for lower alcohol content and a wider range of flavors.

The Making Process of Sparkling Sake

So, how do they make Sake sparkle? There are three main methods:


This involves injecting CO2 gas into the Sake after it’s been brewed. It’s the same method used to make fizzy soft drinks.

Tank Fermentation

In this method, the Sake is fermented in a tank at low temperatures and high pressures. This causes the CO2 to dissolve into the Sake, creating those delightful bubbles.

Bottle Fermentation

This is similar to the tank fermentation method, but the fermentation happens in the bottle. This method is similar to how champagne is made and results in a Sparkling Sake that’s often a bit cloudier due to the presence of Sake lees.

Popular Sparkling Sake Brands

There are many fantastic Sparkling Sake brands out there, but here are a few to get you started:


MIO is probably one of the most popular Sparkling Sake brands. It’s characterized by its slight sourness and low alcohol content, making it a hit among women. MIO uses the carbonation method to achieve its sparkle.


SUZUNE is a pioneer in the Sparkling Sake category. It’s been around since 1998, before the Sparkling trend hit the world. It uses the bottle fermentation method, creating fine bubbles. SUZUNE is perfect for special occasions as it is also available in pink or yellow color with no artificial additives.

Dassai Sparkling Nigori 50

This Sparkling Sake has a higher alcohol content of 16% and is more like normal Sake compared to other Sparkling Sake. It also uses bottle fermentation, and the gas pressure is so high that if you don’t open the bottle properly, it will almost explode!

Pairing Sparkling Sake with Food

Just like wine, Sake can be paired with a variety of foods to enhance both the meal and the beverage. Sparkling Sake, with its light and refreshing flavor profile, pairs well with a wide range of dishes. It’s particularly good with seafood and light appetizers, but don’t be afraid to experiment and find your own favorite pairings!

My Sparkling Sake Adventure

Let’s journey back to my days as a Sake advisor in the heart of Carmel, CA, at a restaurant that was a true Sake haven. This wasn’t your average eatery; it boasted one of the most extensive Sake selections in all of California. My role? I was the Sake maestro, ordering the Sake, liaising with representatives, and guiding customers through the vast world of Sake. It was a demanding role, but one that I relished.

One day, a representative from a Sake brewery introduced me to a new player in the Sake game – Sparkling Sake. Intrigued, I decided to bring a few bottles into the restaurant. The response was nothing short of extraordinary. Customers were enamored with the light, refreshing taste and the novelty of a sparkling twist on their beloved Sake. It was an instant hit, and it wasn’t long before it became a permanent fixture on our Sake list.

Two Sparkling Sakes, in particular, stood out – MIO and Hakkaisan AWA. As a self-confessed champagne aficionado, I was thrilled to see breweries incorporating the French method into Sake production. Hakkaisan AWA, with its fine bubbles and elegant taste, was a testament to this. It was like a delightful fusion of East and West in a bottle. You can check it out here.

MIO, on the other hand, was a game-changer. We started adding it to our cocktails at the restaurant, and it was a crowd-pleaser. With its sweet flavor, low alcohol content, and almost soda-like quality, it was a hit, especially among those new to Sake. We even included it in our Sake flights, which I would personally pour and explain to our guests. More often than not, it was their favorite.

This journey into the world of Sparkling Sake taught me the value of innovation and the joy of exploring new things in the Sake world. It’s why I’m such a big fan of Sparkling Sake and why I’m so eager to share this bubbly delight with you today.

Frequently Asked Questions about Sparkling Sake

What is sparkling sake called?

Sparkling Sake is simply called “Sparkling Sake” or “Bubbly Sake”. In Japan, it may also bereferred to as “Awa-zake”, with “awa” meaning “bubble” in Japanese.

Is sparkling sake traditional?

While Sparkling Sake has been around for a while, it’s only recently that it’s started to be recognized as a distinct category within the world of Sake. This is largely due to new brewing methods that have allowed for lower alcohol content and a wider range of flavors.

Is sparkling sake strong?

Most Sparkling Sake has an Alcohol By Volume (ABV) of under 10%, though it can range from 4% to 16%. This makes it a great choice for those who prefer a lighter touch when it comes to their beverages.

What do you eat sparkling sake with?

Sparkling Sake pairs well with a wide range of dishes. It’s particularly good with seafood and light appetizers, but don’t be afraid to experiment and find your own favorite pairings!

Conclusion: The Future of Sparkling Sake

Sparkling Sake is a delightful twist on traditional Sake, bringing a bubbly touch to the rich and complex world of this Japanese beverage. With its growing popularity and the innovation happening in the brewing process, the future of Sparkling Sake looks bright and bubbly.

So, next time you’re exploring the types of Sake, why not give Sparkling Sake a try? Or if you’re interested in the Sake making process, you might find the methods used to create Sparkling Sake particularly fascinating. And if you’re a foodie, you’ll love experimenting with Sake pairings.

Remember, the world of Sake is vast and diverse, and there’s always something new to discover. So, keep exploring, keep tasting, and most importantly, keep enjoying Sake!